Nourish Good Seed

Little Disciples 

“Train up a Child in the Way he should go , for when he is old he will not depart.” Proverbs 22:6

The mission is to teach our children God and Jesus Commandment. This is the base of our faith. 

Help the child to know and live God’s and Jesus Commandment since the beginning of life can destinate the child’s future in the way of God, also we are helping the child to have a strong foundation on God’s word. 

Let us embark on this journey with our children and let us help our little ones really know God’s heart, character, rightness, and faithfulness, so they can be a servant of God in this world.

In John 14:15 “If you keep My commandments, you will remain in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and remain in His love.”

So if we really love our children and desire them to love Jesus we must teach them to live what Jesus lived and commanded.


Building a strong spiritual foundation at home

an easy guide to building a strong spiritual foundation at home for ours little ones.


Tea time with God and our little ones

an easy guide to building a strong spiritual foundation at home for ours little ones.


Bible Lessons For Kids

We would like to share some amazing sites, that can help children to learn the bible in a more interactive way.


What is behind the Disney brand?

I would like to share this in Love and ask those who like Disney, pray and ask God what he would like your family to immerse on.
Everything that does not promote God is against God.